world health day 2024 why we celebrated this every year know history

world health day 2024 why we celebrated this every year know history

Good health has been considered a boon for our life. A strong body is capable of fighting diseases. Therefore a person should always remain healthy. Let us tell you that like every year, this year ‘World Health Day’ i.e. ‘World Health Day’ is being celebrated on 7th April. On this day, World Health Day is celebrated in many health institutions including WHO.

In which people are explained about health through seminars, speeches and debates. The main objective of this day is to inform people about health related problems. But very few people know what is the history of celebrating World Health Day. Let us know about its history.

History of World Health Day

WHO i.e. World Health Organization was established in 1948. After two years, it was decided that this day should be celebrated to make people aware about serious diseases. World Health Day was celebrated for the first time on 7 April in 1950. From then till now this day is celebrated as Health Day every year. The main purpose of celebrating this day is to tell people about diseases and how to prevent them. Different themes are also created to celebrate it. Let us know what is the theme of 2024.

Theme of year 2024

Every year a theme is chosen to celebrate World Health Day. Similarly, this year 2024 the theme has been named ‘My Health, My Rights’. Through this theme, everyone will be explained to adopt a healthy lifestyle. Like every year, many programs will be organized this year too. Which will be kept for health related information.

Also read: Now forget expensive treatment, instead of Rs 4 crore, indigenous treatment will cure cancer in just Rs 30 lakh.

Check out below Health Tools-
Calculate Your Body Mass Index (BMI)

Calculate The Age Through Age Calculator

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