world oral health day mouth cancer causes symptoms and treatments

world oral health day mouth cancer causes symptoms and treatments

World Oral Health Day 2024: Like every year, this year too i.e. on 20th March, ‘World Oral Health Day’ is being celebrated all over the world. Actually, the purpose behind celebrating this day is to make more and more people aware about oral health.

Why is oral health important?

Cleanliness of gums and teeth is very important. Because you ignore it considering it a small matter. No one knows when it will take the form of a serious disease. Oral health is very important for a person because if your oral health is bad then the risk of other diseases also increases.

Nowadays, most of the people are suffering from teeth and gum diseases. Due to which the risk of many diseases also increases. Bad oral health not only weakens the teeth but also spoils the gums. Many studies have revealed that overall health depends on oral health.

Erectile dysfunction

The habit of not maintaining cleanliness of gums and teeth increases the risk of erectile dysfunction. When the bacteria present in the mouth reach the blood, it not only increases the risk of heart but also other diseases. In the year 2019, the connection between chronic periodontitis and erectile dysfunction was revealed.

cancer risk

Dirt present in teeth due to tobacco and smoking increases the risk of bacterial cancer. According to a report published in Johns Hopkins Medicine, the risk of cancer is 24 percent higher in patients with periodontitis. Especially these increase the cases of pancreas cancer.

diabetes disease

People who have problems with their gums have an increased risk of diabetes. According to the American Diabetes Association, gum disease causes inflammation. Due to which high blood sugar level increases. Bad oral health also creates the risk of lung disease. According to a 2021 study, due to swelling in the gums, kidney function reduces by 10 percent.

Disclaimer: Some information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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