World Rabies Day 2024 know how much People die from dog bite every year

World Rabies Day 2024 know how much People die from dog bite every year

World Rabies Day 2024: Dogs are such animals living in the population which are both loved and feared. Dog bite causes a deadly disease like rabies, which causes thousands of people to die every year. World Rabies Day is celebrated every year on 28 September to spread awareness about diseases like rabies.

What is rabies disease?

Rabies disease is spread by the bite of an infected animal. This disease spreads through the bites of dogs, monkeys and cats and the germs found in the saliva of these infected animals mix with the blood and spread the infection. Although nowadays pet animals have started getting rabies vaccine, but stray animals are not able to get rabies vaccine and hence they get infected and become carriers of rabies disease.

Rabies virus affects the nervous system

If you look at it, there are news of people injured due to dog bites in the newspapers every day. Let us tell you that the risk of getting rabies increases due to dog bite. Rabies virus directly affects the central nervous system of a person. Symptoms of this disease appear late due to which people ignore it. Even today in villages, after a dog bite, people apply turmeric, chilli and lime on the wound. Here people do not go to the doctor and do not even get rabies injection, due to which the risk of the patient getting rabies increases.

Every year there are so many deaths around the world due to dog bites.
Every year around 20 thousand people across the country die due to dog bites. Talking about the world, statistics say that every year around 60 thousand people die due to dog bites across the world. In such a situation, it is important to spread awareness about rabies and people can get information about its symptoms and prevention.

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symptoms of rabies

The first symptom of rabies is fever. Along with this, there is pain in the body and head. There is a pricking sensation at the injured site. The patient feels weak and tired. As the effect of the virus increases, serious symptoms start appearing in the patient. The patient starts having difficulty in swallowing food and water. Pain starts in the muscles. The patient starts getting scared after seeing water.

Disclaimer: Some information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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