world’s largest roti: The world’s largest roti is made in this country, know how different it is from your country’s roti

world’s largest roti: The world’s largest roti is made in this country, know how different it is from your country’s roti

Lunch or dinner cannot be complete without roti. People eat bread in most countries around the world. But do you know that rotis are different from place to place. Most of the people in Indian homes like to eat roti made from flour. But bread made from flour is not eaten in every country. Today we will tell you about the world’s largest roti. 


Let us tell you that roti is known by different names all over the world. Is known. In India it is especially known as Chapati and Phulka. Roti made from wheat flour is eaten most of the time in Indian homes. But bread made from flour is not eaten in every country. In some countries, bread made from flour is called roti. 

The world’s largest bread

Let us tell you that the world’s largest bread is in Armenia. makes bread. In Armenia it is called lavash. Let us tell you that in appearance this roti is square shaped and long. Tandoor is used to make it. This roti is so big that it is taken out of the tandoor and kept folded, after which it is served. Let us tell you that this roti is so big that one roti is equal to about 08 to 10 rotis of our place. This bread is originally from Armenia. But is popular in Azerbaijan, Iran and Türkiye along with Armenia. It has also been included in the UNESCO list. 

How is this flour made

 Armenia’s Lavash flour is water, East , made from sugar and salt. However, in many places it is also made without sugar and yeast. Many times, before putting it in the tandoor, sesame and poppy seeds are also sprinkled on it. Before putting it in the tandoor, it is rolled and then spread with both hands. Then it is put in the tandoor and cooked. 


Just as there are many traditions at the time of marriage in India, similarly in Armenia There is also tradition. When a bride in Azerbaijan comes to her new home after getting married, her mother-in-law places lavash on her shoulders. During this tradition it is believed that the girl will bring prosperity to the house. It is believed that a girl’s footsteps in the house are lucky. 

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