Worlds Most Expensive Grape Variety Is Ruby Roman Grapes Of Japan Know Its Price | The stomach will be filled only after hearing the price of grapes! would say

Worlds Most Expensive Grape Variety Is Ruby Roman Grapes Of Japan Know Its Price |  The stomach will be filled only after hearing the price of grapes!  would say

World’s Most Expensive Grape Variety: Eating fruits is good for health. There are many types of fruits in the world. Many of which will be your favorite too. There are many fruits which are available at very cheap prices. Grapes are also one of those fruits. There is a big trend related to this fruit coming in the summer season that ‘grapes are sour’. That is, when there is no success in any work, then people start telling the deficiency in the work itself. But, today we will tell you about such a variety of grapes, after hearing the price of which you will really say that the grapes are sour!

world’s most expensive grape

The world’s most expensive grapes are being talked about here. According to the report of Audity Central News website, Ruby Roman grape cost species of grapes is the most expensive grape in the world. This species is grown in the Ishikawa region of Japan. The story related to growing these grapes is quite interesting.

What is the story?

In the year 1995, the farmers here requested the scientists to do research and help in growing the species of red grapes. In the experiment, 400 grape vines were planted, but only 4 red grapes were produced in two years. After researching for 14 years, scientists changed the size of these grapes and gave them a red color.

73,000 a bunch of bucks

Ruby Roman grapes had entered the market in the year 2008 and during that time a bunch of 700 grams was sold for 73 thousand rupees. Think about it, even today you can buy a bike for this much money. According to reports, after 8 years a single bunch was sold for Rs 8 lakh. Due to which the sting rang in the whole world. According to this, the cost of just one grape was sitting more than 20 thousand rupees.

specific standards have been set

There are standards set for the Ruby Roman grape to reach status. These standards have been set on the basis of the appearance and quality of the grapes. Under which each grape should be of 20 grams and the sugar content in it should be up to 18%. There is also a premium class of Ruby Roman Grapes, the premium class grapes are sold a little more expensive than the normal ones. In the year 2010, only 4 bunches were able to qualify the premium standard.

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