Yoga For Menstrual Cramps Get Rid Of Period Cramps With These Five Yoga Poses

Yoga For Menstrual Cramps Get Rid Of Period Cramps With These Five Yoga Poses

Periods Pain Relief Yogasanas: Periods are different for everyone, some women experience little or no discomfort, others experience extreme body pain and severe cramps. A bad period day makes us want to lounge around and lie on our couch all day long. Certain yoga poses can help in reducing and providing relief from period cramps. However, it is important to note that everyone’s body is different and it is important that you exercise according to your body type. You may feel like doing a full yoga session and sometimes you may feel like sitting in one position only for thirty minutes. No matter what, listen to your body and cater to it while doing any yoga pose.


Child pose or Balasana is extremely helpful in providing relief to the pelvic region. It is advised to use a prop while doing this asana for comfort during periods. Take a towel and place it on the crease of your butt. This will smooth things out for you.

elevated trigonasana

It provides a bit more range of motion than other poses and also provides the benefits of twisting posture practiced while seated. Practicing this pose will facilitate the flow of blood to the pelvic region, while the tissues of the pelvis remain adequately supported. When you do this hold the pose for five seconds.

apanasana yoga

This pose is extremely helpful if you are experiencing intense period cramps, primarily because of the circulation of the blood, and secondly because it requires minimal movement. Try making small circles to create awareness in the pelvic area. If you are on the first day of your period, then this is just the pose for you.

Ardha Matsyendrasana Yoga

Like triangle pose, it also requires some movement and the movement in the core of the body can help with cramps. By shrinking through the middle part, the health of the tissues present in that area is also maintained. Try not to twist your body as much as possible, as this may backfire and increase the spasm in the back or central region.

keen angle

Requiring you to stand, this pose involves a bit of movement and may not be best for you if your cramps are severe. However, if you can control a little movement, then doing this asana will reduce your pain.

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Disclaimer: Take the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before implementing any such treatment/medicine/diet and suggestion, please consult a doctor or related expert.

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