Gas Cylinder Booking Process: There was a time when food was cooked on earthen stoves in India. But now with modernity, gas stove has come in almost every house. Now everyone cooks on this. For which gas cylinder is used. But sometimes the gas cylinder runs out at such times. When another cylinder is not present in the house. So generally people borrow cylinders from their neighbors in such situations. But you won’t need it. If your cylinder is over. So follow this process and the cylinder will reach your home within a few hours.
Cylinder will reach home in half an hour
The agency from which you take gas connection. The same agency delivers the cylinder to your home. For this, if you want, you can book the cylinder by going to the agency also. Otherwise, you can order the cylinder sitting at home. For that, first of all you have to save this number 7588888824 in your phone. After this, from your registered mobile number i.e. the mobile number which you had registered with the gas agency while taking the connection. You will have to send Hi on WhatsApp on this number. With this many options will open in front of you. There will also be an option for booking. You just have to book from here. After this your booking will reach the gas agency and the cylinder will reach your home as soon as possible.
You can book from unregistered number also
If your number is not registered with the agency. Even then you can book your cylinder under this process. For that you will have to send REFILL#<17 digit consumer ID>. Through this number you can also know the status of your booked cylinder. Along with this, you can also book the cylinder through online medium. Which also includes UPI apps. Generally the cylinder is delivered within a few hours of booking. On many occasions the cylinder is delivered even within half an hour. But if your house is far from the gas agency then it may take some time.