You can plant pomegranate plant at home know the method

You can plant pomegranate plant at home know the method

How to Grow Pomegranate Plant At Home: These days summer season has arrived in India. People adopt various methods to escape the summer. Keeping this season in mind, people also make different arrangements for food and drink. People consume more fruits in the summer season. This maintains health and freshness in the body.

People like to eat pomegranate in this season. Eating pomegranate is also considered beneficial. This also increases blood pressure. But pomegranate is available in the market at a very high price. Therefore, now people have started growing pomegranate in their homes also. Let us know how we can plant pomegranate at home.

Pomegranate can be planted at home also

To plant pomegranate in the house, you have to keep some things in mind. You can plant pomegranate seeds in a big pot. But during this time you will have to make holes at the bottom of the pot because if water accumulates in it, the roots will get damaged.

In the beginning you have to take special care of it. For pomegranate, it is better to use farm yard compost and granular tree manure. You have to keep it in a place where adequate amount of sunlight comes. Due to this, the pomegranate plant grows quickly.

This is how care has to be taken

It is important to keep adding fertilizer to the pomegranate plant from time to time. If you have planted a pomegranate plant in a bucket in your house. So it needs to be kept in sunlight for at least 6 to 8 hours daily. Pomegranate plants need to be protected from pests and diseases. For this you can use insecticide shell. Also, to prevent the plant from growing too much, pruning from time to time is also necessary. Pomegranate starts bearing fruits in three to four years.

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