You feel scared the moment you see these people with blue eyes, what is the reason for this?

You feel scared the moment you see these people with blue eyes, what is the reason for this?

You must have heard about people with blue eyes. Many times people with blue eyes attract us towards us, but seeing them in the dark of night can also scare you. Although it is a rare case for anyone to have blue eyes because according to a study, one person in 42 thousand people has blue eyes. However, there is also a village in the world where everyone’s eye color is blue. 

Most of the people of Buton tribe living on Buton Island of Indonesia have blue eyes. You may get scared after seeing these. According to reports, the eye color of these people is natural and has been like this since birth. However, the big question is that if having blue eyes is so rare, then why does everyone in this village have blue eyes? 

Eyes are blue due to genetic disorder

The people of the Buton tribe living on Buton Island have a rare genetic disorder. Its name is Waardenberg Syndrome. Due to this syndrome the color of the eyes of these people is blue. According to a research, this syndrome is caused by a mutation, which occurs during pregnancy. Doctors say that due to this syndrome the eyes become blue in childhood. However, many people may have one blue eye or one brown eye. This syndrome can cause many problems in the body, including hearing problems or pigmentation. 


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Descendants of the same person

A research had come out about people with blue eyes, in which it was claimed that such people are descendants of a single person. Actually, it was said in the study that the gene mutation that causes blue eyes happened about 6 to 10 thousand years ago. The study says that every blue-eyed person alive today has this mutation and all blue-eyed people are descendants of this person. 

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