You have seen mother’s love, but have you seen father’s heart? Seeing him we will say, real hero

You have seen mother’s love, but have you seen father’s heart?  Seeing him we will say, real hero

viral story, You must have often heard about mother’s affection and mother’s love. It is said that no one can love her child as much as a mother does. But a child is as much a part of the mother as it is a part of the father. Yes, perhaps a father is not able to express his feelings, that is why people do not understand the love of a father. But today we are going to tell you the story of a father, seeing whom you will definitely say, ‘Real Life Hero’ who is fulfilling the responsibilities of his small child and his job very well.

Mother is always mother. But a father can also go to any extent to fulfill his responsibility. One such father is popular on social media these days. Seeing this father, perhaps a pang of pain may well up in your heart, or you may become very emotional. Because this story is like this.

Nowadays a teacher is viral on social media. In which a teacher is raising children in the class, and he also has a small child in his hands. Why are they doing this? What is their compulsion behind this? Actually his wife had died while giving birth to the child. So the responsibility of the child now fell on the shoulders of the father alone. A job is also necessary to raise a child and raising a child cannot be ignored. That’s why he felt it was right to do so.

Both parents play a big role in the upbringing of a child. If this responsibility falls on the shoulders of one person, then one has to face a lot of difficulties. This photo is gaining a lot of headlines on social media.

Many comments are also coming for this post, “There is no other woman in their family who can take care of the child.” Many such comments are coming. But the child’s father does not want to bring a stepmother for his child, hence he is facing all the troubles himself.

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