Zero Covid Restrictions Likely To Be Eased After National Protests Erupt In China

Zero Covid Restrictions Likely To Be Eased After National Protests Erupt In China

China to Relax Zero-Covid Restrictions: Zero-Covid Restrictions are likely to be relaxed after nationwide protests in China. China’s top Kovid officials and many cities have given such indications. According to the news agency AFP, the nationwide protest against the lockdown and the call for more political freedom have made an impact.

According to the report, due to its Zero-Covid Policy, China has endured restrictions such as widespread lockdown, continuous corona testing and quarantine even for people who were not infected. As a result, protests against the Jinping government flared up in major cities including Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. Officials spoke of action against those protesting, and have also started indicating that the strict policy adopted in the war against the corona virus can be relaxed.

China’s Vice Premier said this

According to China’s official news agency Xinhua, speaking at the National Health Commission on Wednesday (November 30), Deputy Prime Minister Sun Chunlan said that the Omicron variant is weakening and the vaccination rate is improving. Sun is a key official in handling the epidemic in Beijing. He said that new circumstances require new actions. In his latest statement, he did not mention any zero covid policy and said that peace will soon return to everyday life. There have been statements from Beijing that daily testing requirements will be reduced.

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Spokesperson of Beijing Municipal Government said this

Xu Hejian, a spokesman for the Beijing municipal government, said on Wednesday that people who do not leave their homes often are now exempt from daily testing, including the elderly, those working from home, students studying online and teaching teachers. Are included.

The newspaper published the news and deleted it

There is a rule in Beijing that if you want to go to public places like cafes, restaurants and shopping malls, then the corona report of the last 48 hours has to be shown. A newspaper Southern Metropolis published the news on Thursday, stating that local authorities in Beijing and Guangzhou are planning to quarantine some Corona positive patients at home instead of government facilities. However, later the newspaper deleted the news. According to the news agency AFP, when he tried to confirm with the local authorities, no response was received.

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